pronouns carrd !!


this carrd is to educate people on pronouns!

click the heart to begin!

pronouns carrd !!


terms to know:

cis/cisgender: someone who identifies as the gender they were given at birth
pronouns: set of words that refer to a person (ex: he, she, they).

pronouns carrd !!


why do people share their pronouns?

everyone should share their pronouns so people know what they are comfortable with.
trans people share their pronouns to avoid being misgendered, cis people share theirs to be a good trans ally!

why should a cis person share their pronouns?

out of respect to the trans and non-binary community. it will create a safer and more comfortable space for them.

pronouns carrd !!


where do i share my pronouns?

put pronouns in your bio on social media, share them with your friends, new people you meet, teachers, co-workers, students, etc.


If you see the 🔶 emoji in someones bio, this means they can't share their pronouns for safety or they don't know what they prefer yet!

does every trans person have to share their pronouns?

no. a transgender person sharing their pronouns is a lot different than a cis person doing it. it is not always safe for them to, but it is safe if you are cis.

pronouns carrd !!


made by lily
contact me at [email protected]

if any of this is wrong or
you have any questions,
email me!

carrds on neopronouns and understanding non-binary:

neither of these were made by me!

remember, sharing your pronouns does not make a huge difference. it is the bare minimum to make the environment a little safer, but please also donate, sign petitions, and share information to actually make a difference for the trans community.